Do you want to book the entire series?: 20 April – 05 October
The fundamental purpose of this campaign was to raise awareness of mental health, breaking its stigmatization and nurturing mental resilience for those who need it most. This year our theme is ‘Humanity’s commitment to healing’.Coping with anxiety – Life is tough, but so are you! – 20 April

Presenter: Dr Kirsten van Heerden

With the spike of Anxiety in 2022, this conversation focuses on Anxiety, coping mechanisms, and how to navigate through 2022, when your anxiety spikes or strikes. Anxiety is all too real, it affects an individual’s personal and professional life. We discuss how anxiety impacts decisions, judgment, and choices. The questions we raise are:

• What can organizations/businesses do to assist employees with anxiety?
• How can people with anxiety navigate their day?

How core beliefs shape our behavior – 11 May
Presenter: Dr Kirsten van Heerden

Using the ABC paradigm of thinking and behaving is a good way to start shaping our beliefs, through managing our self-perceptions and self-images. ABC is an abbreviation that stands for Antecedents, Behaviour, and Consequences. As a method for behavior assessment and formulation, it is particularly beneficial when clinicians, clients, caretakers, or individuals are interested in understanding the ‘active ingredients’ of self-diagnosing a problem that may arise. Book Now.

Mental toughness vs mental flexibility – 8 June
Presenter: Dr Kirsten van Heerden 

While mental toughness is highly regarded in the ultra-endurance scene, it is meaningless unless it is combined with the ability to adjust when things don’t go as planned or when you reach a low point during a particular state in your life. Adaptability – often known as flexibility – is a concept that everyone can support. However, what does psychological flexibility entail and how can you can apply it to your own personal and professional lives, will be our focus during this webcast.

Women and Mental Health – 17 Aug
Panel Discussion – Speakers to be confirmed

The covid-19 pandemic has affected women more profoundly than men in several areas, both at the workplace and at home with an increased workload due to lockdown and quarantine measures. Many countries have also reported an increase in domestic violence cases after the viral outbreak. There has been an exacerbation of gender-based violence.

Furthermore, a lack of adequate domestic and emotional support can have consequences on women’s mental health. The risk of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is also much higher in women. During this discussion, we take a deep dive into the mental health issues that affect our female demographic.

The cultural impact on wellbeing – 14 September
Panel Discussion – Speakers to be confirmed

Cultural well-being and practices as part of a holistic approach to social and emotional. Wellbeing. Culture may also shape how you relax, practice self-care, and resolve conflicts. Living in a community that rejects aspects of your culture – such as identity, beliefs, or sexual orientation – can have negative impacts on your wellbeing. During this discussion, we confront a courageous conversation around how culture and traditional beliefs impact wellbeing.

The impact of Financial Distress on Mental Wealth: 5 October 
Financial stress can be overwhelming. It is one of the most prevalent and persistent forms of stress worldwide. At times, you may feel blindsided by the emotional tension, which can negatively affect your mental health. The emphasis of this session will be on Financial Distress and Planning.

Catch Up on recordings of previous Wellness Webcast

To catch up on the recordings of the previous webcast on Mental Wealth click here.
