Contents of discussions on this platform may be utilised to ask for recommendations, information and the onus is on the participants to ensure that the content of their posts to not violate any legislation. By joining this group you agree to the terms as set out.
In a group of this size it’s probably a good idea to ‘mute’ the groups to ensure you are not disturbed often.
New members need to be added to the main group by an administrator. You can apply to join the group via this link. All members added to the groups’ membership status need to be verified by SAICA. Please add SAICA Telegram as a contact in your phone with the number (074) 990-5307.
ONLY members of the main SAICA Community Group are welcome to join the sub groups / channels by clicking on (or touching) the title links below.
Please DO NOT share these links with anyone outside of this group. Should you know someone who would like to join, they will need to apply via the link above and be verified by the SAICA administrator before joining.
General rules:
Most importantly, please be respectful to our fellow members, associates and trainees. Refrain from arguing, and any attacks aimed at the administrators will not be tolerated.
Administrators reserve the right to remove anyone from the group if they fail to adhere to the rules. Membership of this group is not a right.
Administrators cannot monitor every post. Members are therefore responsible for the legitimacy of their posts and to ensure that the content of their posts do not violate any legislation.
NO adverts in the main group please, including unsolicited recommendations.
Do NOT spam several groups with the same post, please. Choose a group appropriate to your post, and ask the administrators if you are unsure. We are happy to help.
As you may be aware, the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 (POPI) came into full operation on 1 July 2020. SAICA respects your privacy and acknowledge that by processing your application to be added to this group and adding you to this group, SAICA may use your personal information for verification. SAICA will process your personal information in accordance with the POPI and/or other relevant data protection laws and regulations. For our Personal Information Protection Notice and related data privacy policies refer to our website.
This notice is to confirm that the administrator(s) of this group commit to treating your personal information, as a member of this group, in a confidential and secure manner and that administrator(s) will not share your personal information with anyone without your consent. In terms of POPI, please be informed that your continued membership of the group, after this notice, is deemed as consent to receiving messages from the administrator(s) that is relevant to the purpose for which this group has been established. You are able to withdraw this consent at any time by leaving the group. Lastly, it is important to understand that by remaining a member of the group, you also agree to and undertake to treat the personal information of other members of the group in a confidential and secure manner and to not share it with anyone without the consent of group members.