Tax Update for SAICA International Members
Who should attend?
SAICA members and associates [CA(SA)/AGA(SA)/AT] and trainees and members of the public
Following on from Deborah Tickles presentation in October 2020. The content will be designed to provide the SAICA Members with a high-level understanding of the topics outlined below. There will be a chance for Q&A at the end of the session.
Topics will include:
- Latest news on Exchange Control “Financial’ emigration and the impact on retirement funds and impact on inheritance for inter alia non-resident children.
- Recap in “tax residence” for South African tax purposes;
- Other excon changes e.g. looping and the associated tax changes including a brief look at CFC’s;
- Non-SA tax resident trusts and their treatment tax from a SA perspective (esp recent changes)
Programme – please note that the session will run for 1.5 hours across these different times zones
18:00 – 19:30 SA/Europe
17:00 – 18:30 UK
12:00 – 13:30 NY
13:00 – 14:30 Bermuda/Cayman
9:00 – 10:30 Los Angeles
Our Speaker – Deborah Tickle CA(SA)
Deborah is an adjunct associate professor at the University of Cape Town where she currently lectures the Tax Masters course. As managing partner of the tax department at KPMG (Cape Town), she led the tax team there for 10 of the 31 years that she spent consulting to large, listed and global clients of the firm. She serves on the Davis Tax Committee, formed by the Minister of Finance to establish whether South African tax policy aligns and supports overall government policy. She has also served on the national tax committee of SAICA (one year as deputy chair) and continues to serve on the Southern Region Tax Committee. She also runs a tax blog under the name TickleonTax.
Webinar Access Details
This webinar will be hosted by Live Stream, Sarah Varney will be emailing out the link the week of the event.
Please note this session is complimentary.