The latest on tax and foreign exchange for South Africans working and living abroad
Who should attend?
SAICA members and associates [CA(SA)/AGA(SA)/AT(SA)] and trainees and members of the public
The content will be designed to provide the SAICA Members with a high-level understanding of the topics outlined below.
Topics will include:
- the current application of section 10(1)(o)(ii) (the expat exemption) and the new legislation;
- the definition of “resident” for South African tax purposes (including discussion of the SA-UK double tax treaty definition of “resident”) and distinguishing the concept of “resident” for South African exchange control purposes;
- the implications of ceasing to be tax resident in South Africa;
- Whether it is necessary to become non-resident for South African exchange control purposes, and the implications thereof, in order to achieve tax non-residency (SA citizenship will be mentioned).
- The Common Reporting Standards will also be mentioned.
- A brief discussion of the South African CFC legislation and its effects for residents operating through non-South African companies
About our Speakers:
Deborah Tickle CA(SA)
Deborah is an adjunct associate professor at the University of Cape Town where she currently lectures the Tax Masters course. As managing partner of the tax department at KPMG (Cape Town), she led the tax team there for 10 of the 31 years that she spent consulting to large, listed and global clients of the firm. She serves on the Davis Tax Committee, formed by the Minister of Finance to establish whether South African tax policy aligns and supports overall government policy. She has also served on the national tax committee of the SA Institute of Chartered Accountants (one year as deputy chair) and continues to serve on the Southern Region Tax Committee. She also runs a tax blog under the name TickleonTax.
Thursday, 22 October
12:00 – 13:00 BST
Please note this session is complimentary.