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SAICA Events
Evaluation survey : South African in Australia Awards
The Calyx Botanical Gardens
25 September 2024
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Please rate: Pre-event registration and communication
How would you rate your pre-event registration and communication
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Please rate: Overall award experience
How would you rate your overall event experience?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Based on your experience at the SAICA South African in Australia Awards, how likely are you to recommend the awards to others?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Based on your experience at the SAICA South African in Australia Awards, would you participate in the awards again in the future? ( e.g. entry, nomination or recommending it)
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Please rate: Event experience
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Event location
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Event MC
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Event entertainment
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How well did the event meet your expectations?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Please provide any future location suggestions
What were your event highlights ?
Any other suggestions you may have that will help us improve the awards ?
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