On a yearly basis, the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) conducts audits of municipalities and municipal entities (i.e, local government). Following the audit process, the AGSA releases a General Report (GR) on the audit outcomes of the institutions and the 2022/23 GR on Local Government is planned for release on 26 June 2024.


SAICA is proud to host the 2022-23 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUDIT OUTCOMES SEMINAR in collaboration with the AGSA and the Chartered Institute of Government Finance, Audit and Risk Officers (CIGFARO), a key strategic collaborating partner in the public sector.  Through this collaborating partnership, the event will be brought to members and stakeholders of both Institutes in a hybrid format for the first time in four years.


The session will include insightful discussions by key stakeholders in national and local government including National Treasury, Department of Cooperative Governances and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), South African Local Government Association (SALGA), members in local government and civil society representatives. In addition, SAICA and CIGFARO will have the opportunity to demonstrate the work performed by each Institute in support of improvements in the audit outcomes thus making a difference in local government.


Time: 09:00 - 12:00

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