Complimentary SAICA Friday Knowledge Cafe:
Practical Leadership with Ian Mann (Session 2)
In these sessions, Ian Mann will review the main themes of the books and discuss the significant principles in the context of current business and leadership challenges that will ensure the audience is able to practically apply the knowledge learned. The details and books for review in these sessions will be:
Book title
Lead from the Future: How to Turn Visionary Thinking Into Breakthrough Growth
Mark W. Johnson and Josh Suskewicz
Too many businesses have failed because they could not imagine a future in which their core product didn’t play a dominant role. The authors identify the root of this eventual drift into irrelevance as a result of leaders projecting the present forward. While the present can stay recognizable into the near future, we can safely say that today this recognizable future is getting ever shorter. This book is a call to look farther out than you have ever done before, and then working from the future back to what you should worry about today. This is imperative in preventing that future from coming down on your business like a ton of bricks.
Book title
The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone’s Mind
Jonah Berger
We want our children to change negative behaviour, our customers to change their buying patterns in our favour, voters to change their voting patterns, our prejudiced staff to change their beliefs, and more. People tend to do what they have always done, and don’t change – despite the many changes that we would like or even need to make. Much has been written on this subject, but this is probably the best and most practical book I have come across.
Who should attend?
SAICA members and associates [CA(SA)/AGA(SA)/AT] and trainees and members of the public
09h00 – 10h00 – Welcome & Presentation
About our presenters
Ian Mann is the founder of Gateways Business Consultant, a 23-year-old consultancy that is home to former main board directors of listed companies and people with exceptional business experience at executive levels. Ian is a seasoned strategist who has worked with medium sized organizations and SBUs in large ones, across 14 countries.
He holds an M.A. (Cum Laude) and was one of 10 recipients internationally of a 3-year ‘Jerusalem Fellowship’.
Ian is the author of 3 books: ‘Managing with Intent’ (Implementation of Strategy); ‘Strategy that Works’ (Formulation of Strategy in Medium sized organizations); and ‘The Executive Update’ (A summary of the most significant business ideas over the preceding 4 years)
He has reviewed over 650 business books in his weekly columns in the Sunday Times, and currently in Fin24.
Ian is a director of five companies: Gateways Business Consultants; Gateways Tracing Services; Choice Decisions; OVO Incubators and Khulisa Social Solutions.
CPD Hours
SAICA’s CPD policy has changed effective 1 January 2020 from an input measurement basis to an output measurement basis. Learning and the development of professional competence is unique to each member and should be aligned to your personal needs identified in your reflective learning plans. For further information and guidance, go to SAICA’s CPD website. The competencies being addressed in this seminar are:
- Business acumen: Business internal environment
- Business acumen: Business external environment
- Business acumen: Innovation and creativity
- Decision-making acumen: Integrated thinking
- Decision-making acumen: Problem solving
- Decision-making acumen: Judgement and decision-making
- Relational acumen: Leadership skills
If you are required to log CPD hours (for instance if you are a SAICA Tax Practitioner or registered with other professional bodies or organisations such as the IOD, SAIPA, SAIT etc.), please note that this seminar affords you 1 hour of CPD.
Please note this session is complimentary, but booking is essential