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SAICA Events
Survey: 2024 Thuthuka Sports Day | 30 November
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Survey: 2024 Thuthuka Sports Day…
Survey: 2024 Thuthuka Sports Day
Saturday, 30 November 2024
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Please rate the following on a scale of 1-5 (5 being excellent)
5 Stars: Excellent
4 Stars: Good
3 Stars: Satisfactory
2 Stars: Un-Satisfactory
1 Star: Poor
Based on your experience, please rate the event experience
How likely are you to recommend Thuthuka events to others?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Would you attend Thuthuka events again in the future?
Rate 1 out of 5
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Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How well did the event meet your expectations?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Pre-event registration and communication
Rate your experience on the booking process
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Was all the communication about the event clear and easy to follow?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Please rate the following:
Venue (JoziX)
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Registration on the day
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Overall impression of the event
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Please rate the activities and prizes
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Future activities
General comments and suggestions:
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