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SAICA Events
2020 New Member Engagement Survey
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2020 New Member Engagement Survey
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SAICA number
In which Region are you situated?
Central Region
Eastern Region
Northern Region
Southern Region
Why did you join SAICA?
The professional designation
Professional development
Networking opportunities
The values of the membership body
Access to professional standards, guidance and support tools
A sense of belonging, being part of my profession
The work SAICA does to promote the designation and brand
To make a contribution to the development of the profession
Your Experience
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Overall, how would you rate your experience of the engagement with the Service Manager in your region?
How can we improve?
Please let us know how we can do better.
BEFORE your engagement with the Service Manager in your region, how familiar where you with the following:
Not at all familiar
Slightly familiar
Moderately familiar
Very familiar
Extremely familiar
SAICA's value proposition
Not at all familiar
SAICA's value proposition Not at all familiar
Slightly familiar
SAICA's value proposition Slightly familiar
Moderately familiar
SAICA's value proposition Moderately familiar
Very familiar
SAICA's value proposition Very familiar
Extremely familiar
SAICA's value proposition Extremely familiar
SAICA's CPD requirements
Not at all familiar
SAICA's CPD requirements Not at all familiar
Slightly familiar
SAICA's CPD requirements Slightly familiar
Moderately familiar
SAICA's CPD requirements Moderately familiar
Very familiar
SAICA's CPD requirements Very familiar
Extremely familiar
SAICA's CPD requirements Extremely familiar
SAICA's Code of Conduct
Not at all familiar
SAICA's Code of Conduct Not at all familiar
Slightly familiar
SAICA's Code of Conduct Slightly familiar
Moderately familiar
SAICA's Code of Conduct Moderately familiar
Very familiar
SAICA's Code of Conduct Very familiar
Extremely familiar
SAICA's Code of Conduct Extremely familiar
AFTER your engagement with the Service Manager in your region, how familiar are you with the following:
Not at all familiar
Slightly familiar
Moderately familiar
Very familiar
Extrememly familiar
SAICA's value proposition
Not at all familiar
SAICA's value proposition Not at all familiar
Slightly familiar
SAICA's value proposition Slightly familiar
Moderately familiar
SAICA's value proposition Moderately familiar
Very familiar
SAICA's value proposition Very familiar
Extrememly familiar
SAICA's value proposition Extrememly familiar
SAICA's CPD requirements
Not at all familiar
SAICA's CPD requirements Not at all familiar
Slightly familiar
SAICA's CPD requirements Slightly familiar
Moderately familiar
SAICA's CPD requirements Moderately familiar
Very familiar
SAICA's CPD requirements Very familiar
Extrememly familiar
SAICA's CPD requirements Extrememly familiar
SAICA's Code of Conduct
Not at all familiar
SAICA's Code of Conduct Not at all familiar
Slightly familiar
SAICA's Code of Conduct Slightly familiar
Moderately familiar
SAICA's Code of Conduct Moderately familiar
Very familiar
SAICA's Code of Conduct Very familiar
Extrememly familiar
SAICA's Code of Conduct Extrememly familiar
BEFORE your engagement with the Service Manager in your region, did you understand the need and relevance of belonging to a membership body?
After your engagement with the Service Manager in your region, do you understand the need and relevance of belonging to a membership body?
What is the MAIN thing that will make you keep your association and relationship with SAICA?
SAICA maintaining Ethical Standards
The entire value proposition that makes my association with SAICA desirable
SAICA code of conduct
Continuous Professional Development
Keeping the professional designation
SAICA is a member led organization. In what way do you think you can be of service to the profession?
How would you like SAICA to engage/communicate with you to keep you abreast with what is happening in the profession? Please select in order of priority.
Business Whatsapp
Saica website
Business Whatsapp
Saica website
Business Whatsapp
Saica website
How would you like SAICA to engage/communicate with you to keep you abreast with what is happening in the profession? Please select in order of priority. (copy)
Business Whatsapp
Saica website
Additional comments or suggestions
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